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13, July 2022

Lifechanging leadership training

“Thank you for this lifechanging leadership training.” That’s what a student said after completing one of our recent programs. We have to admit it feels good to hear that. We put a lot into our unique program to develop and retain future leaders. While the classes are separate from our executive coaching and strategic planning programs, they share some common themes. So, whether you are in Cincinnati, Ohio, Kentucky, or Jacksonville, Florida, perhaps our training program is right for you.

Attract, develop and retain

Business owners are always looking for ways to attract, develop and retain employees. That’s why we created our leadership training program. And it works.

Once or twice a month, employees meet online. There we focus on one topic, typically for one to two hours. Our business-focused, results-oriented approach frontloads the impact. The result: people learn. And they like it.

An aggressive agenda

We customize each leadership development program based on your company’s needs and requirements. But there are some essential components.

Understanding yourself…and how that relates to everyone else It starts with each participant taking an assessment containing two parts. The first is behaviors, or how you do what you do. The second is motivators, or why you do what you do.

How to make better decisions We use our proprietary program to show how to dramatically improve your decision-making capabilities.

How to get the right things done Here we use another of our unique programs to break the process into simple steps. Yes, it starts with learning how to prioritize. But that’s just the start.

Leadership The biggest differentiator of them all. We boil it all down to a few guiding principles. Then make them easy to remember.

Obstacles ahead…and how to avoid them No one knows what’s around the next corner. Oh, wait…we actually do. That’s because the same issues come up time and again, regardless of the industry or location. Get your team ready for them.

Krissi Barr of Barr Corporate Success

Krissi has been developing leaders for decades. The above topics—plus many more—come together to form one of the most impactful programs you will ever offer. Your employees want lifechanging leadership training, too. Yes, we’re best known for our books, executive coaching and strategic planning. But for many customers in Cincinnati, Ohio, Kentucky and Jacksonville, Florida, it’s our leadership training program that sets us apart. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact us today.



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