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14, March 2018

Six Things Most Businesses Don’t Know About Behavioral Assessments

Behavioral assessments have been around for decades. The early ones were mostly “personality tests” like Myers Briggs. They’ve come a long way since then. The new generation  offer significant new benefits to companies and managers in Cincinnati and all over the world.

Let’s take a look at the six things most businesses don’t know about behavioral assessments.

Safe and effective

In the past, assessments provided insight, but many users were concerned about liability. For over a decade, Barr Corporate Success has worked with TTI assessments, the “best in class” in side-by-side comparisons with competitors in immediate impact and completeness. TTI is based in Arizona, and their assessments are used by most Fortune 500 companies and over 100,000 additional businesses across America. TTI assessments are also used in 90 other countries around the world and are available in 40 languages.

Even better, TTI assessments provide compliance with hiring laws and regulations, including EEOC and OFCCP. TTI assessments are proven to be anti-discriminatory and are backed by an independent adverse impact study.

Some very large corporations have been in the news recently as they settled expensive discrimination lawsuits related to using other competitive assessments. Now that there are science-based assessments that eliminate compliance concerns, make sure your business is only using the safest products on the market.

Way Beyond Personality…and Much More Effective

With assessments from Barr Corporate Success and TTI, companies can easily determine:

  • Behaviors (how they do what they do).
  • Motivators and driving forces (why they do what they do).
  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
  • Skills.
  • Stress levels.
  • Culture fit.
  • Sales abilities.

Perfect for Pre-employment Hiring

For years, employers have used assessments to help determine the fit of an applicant. This makes a lot of sense considering the tremendous cost of hiring and training a new employee. Now you can use assessments to help determine if your sales applicant has the right stuff, your managerial candidate is a culture fit or if your next aspiring office manager has the ideal motivational drivers. In the future, all assessments used in the pre-employment phase will be required to prove they are non-discriminatory. With TTI assessments from Barr Corporate Success, they already are.

Ideal for Internal Coaching and Development

One of the most underutilized areas for assessments is with existing employees. Assessments can unlock a deeper understanding about what matters most to the partner, and that can open a path to increased engagement, fulfillment and success.

Fast and Easy

Assessments from Barr Corporate Success and TTI are easy to send and fast to take. The hiring manager just emails the person the link. The recipient simply clicks on the link and takes the assessment (computer or smartphone), typically in about 20 minutes. The assessment is instantly analyzed and sent to either Barr (for interpretation) or directly to the hiring manager.

Affordable & Generates Return on Investment

Today’s assessments are more affordable than ever, especially in comparison to the expense of a bad hire. Even better, the insight from an assessment can guide managers to lead, coach and develop their people in ways that reduce turnover and improve engagement. Teams that are aligned, new hires who are in sync with the corporate culture and the right people in the right seats – it all adds up to an outstanding ROI.

When you are ready to take a fresh look at how behavioral assessment can benefit your organization, give Krissi Barr a call to find out how you can get a free sample. TTI’s suite of assessments are #1 for good reason. Whether you’re in Cincinnati or anywhere in the world, trust Barr Corporate Success to help you turn assessments into strategic assets.

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