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31, August 2020

Why Some Executive Coaching Works Better

There is a lot of variability when it comes to executive coaching. Sometimes it succeeds wildly. Other times it doesn’t seem to work at all. There’s a reason why some executive coaching works better. And that applies in Cincinnati, Ohio, Kentucky, Jacksonville, Florida and all over America.

What executive coaching does

At its core, executive coaching is a tool to help businesspeople become the best they can be. It typically combines an outside business consultant—the executive coach—with a willing participant. The coach assesses the situation and the person. Then, in a series of face-to-face meetings (or via Zoom), information is shared. New topics are discussed. Progress is monitored. And personal development takes place.

Why some executive coaching works better

One variable is the person who is being coached. If that person is an eager participant, the odds of success go up significantly. If they are resistant to change—and the coaching process—then the likelihood of a positive outcome diminishes.

Another big factor is the executive coach. Some are business pros with a deep well of personal experienced and street smarts. Others have more of an academic background and book smarts. Some coaches have worked with hundreds of people and know how to get positive results.

The length of the engagement also plays a factor in success. One-and-done rarely produces lasting results. The most successful executive coaching relationships often last from 6 months or more. And this assumes one or two hour-long meetings a month.

The reason why an executive coach is brought in also impacts results. If the coach is engaged to turn around an already difficult situation, the likelihood of success is reduced. If the problem is addressed early, the odds go up. And if the coach is engaged to help make a good executive great, the chances are extremely good.

Krissi Barr, Cincinnati’s #1 executive coach

For nearly two decades, Krissi Barr has been Cincinnati’s #1 executive coach, and a leader in Kentucky, Jacksonville, Florida and all over America. During that time, she’s helped over 650 businesspeople. CEOs, high potential new leaders and everyone in between. There is a reason why some executive coaching works better. It’s because Krissi Barr is involved. To learn more, please contact Barr Corporate Success.

Krissi Barr, Executive Coach

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